Superior Google Ads Services in Sandton – Maximize Your Reach

Boost your business’s visibility with our expert Google Ads services. We specialise in creating high-impact pay-per-click campaigns that increase your reach, ensuring every click counts towards your bottom line. We focus on turning traffic into transactions by crafting a strategy aligning with your growth and efficiency goals. Invest in our Google ads services expertise and witness your brand’s remarkable growth and significant return on investment.

google ads services goals

What is Google Ads?

Google provides advertisement space on its search engine results page. Ads are Google’s lucrative advertising platform where businesses compete and bid on particular keywords and phrases for their ads to feature on the results page when users look for specific products and services—advertisers ‘pay per click,’ which is why it is also referred to as PPC marketing.

At New Age Marketing, we focus on Google because it constitutes 70% to 80% of all online searches. Our Google Ads Services enhance your brand’s visibility and deliver the quickest results.

Let Us manage your google Ads Campaign

Are Google Ads good for your business?

Yes, Google Ads is good for your business! An impressive 2.3 million searches are executed on Google every single second. A vast majority of the search results pages have Google advertisements on them. Running ads on the world’s largest search engine is an exceptional way of capturing your target audience that searches for products and services related to your business and driving that traffic to your website. Our Google Ads Services allow you to target and reach potential clients for your business.

google ads services
google ads services team working

Why is Google Ads good for your business?

Google Ads is more than just a tool – it’s a powerhouse that can skyrocket your brand to new heights. With Google Ads, you can build a strong brand awareness that leaves a lasting impression on your target audience. It’s like turning on a spotlight and showcasing your business to the world.

But that’s not all. Google Ads delivers results at lightning speed, giving you a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Forget waiting months for SEO to kick in – with Google Ads, you’ll see quicker results that drive traffic, leads, and conversions.

Ready to leave your competitors in the dust? With Google Ads, you can outrank their ads and dominate the search engine results page. Be at the top of the game and capture the attention of potential customers before anyone else.

Creating effective campaign strategies has never been easier. Google Ads provides you with powerful tools and insights to optimize your campaigns, reach the right audience, and maximize your ROI. It’s like having a secret weapon in your marketing arsenal.

Precise timing is everything when it comes to advertising. With Google Ads, you have the power to show your ads at the optimum time when your target audience is most receptive. Capture their attention when they are ready to take action and watch your business thrive.

Why do you need our Google Ads services?

At New Age Marketing, our highly skilled and experienced team is well-versed in PPC marketing and all the cost-saving mechanisms businesses can adopt to save money on clicks that don’t convert. Managing your Ads campaign will be time-consuming and challenging if you undertake it without professional assistance. By trusting the campaigning in the hands of our experts, you will not only have more time to dedicate to more vital activities in your business, but you will also get to protect your investment and watch it grow.

Here is what Our GOOGLE Ads Services can do for you


Search Ads

Ads appear at the top or bottom of the page results based on several factors such as your bid and quality score. The visibility of your brand increases exponentially, which converts to a more consistent revenue stream for you.

Display Ads

Here, your ad is showcased across a host of websites and applications in a text or image format. Gmail and YouTube are highly effective platforms that will definitely broaden your brand’s prospects.

Video Ads

YouTube is an exceptional platform from which traffic is delivered to a site. Video ads provide higher customer engagement levels compared to any other medium of advertisement. In addition, you have the advantage of targeting a specific consumer, which will ensure every view is a value add.

Universal App Ads

In order to accelerate downloads of your iOS or Android application, these ads will help you do just that in addition to reaching your target demographic at an opportune time.

Transform Your Business with Targeted Advertising

Reach Your Ideal Customers Where It Matters

Navigate the vast online landscape and pinpoint your target audience with precision. Google Ads services in South Africa offer the opportunity to appear right where your potential customers are looking, increasing visibility and driving more qualified traffic to your website.

Drive More Sales with Less Effort

Convert browsers into buyers effortlessly. Our Google Ads strategies focus on achieving higher conversion rates by targeting users who are already interested in what you offer, making every click count.